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Week 1


"This week was all about getting to know my classmates. We solve many collaborative games which helped a lot in getting to kwon everybody and some of us even went to Ponta del Este in the weekend, to participate in Campus Party, an innovation convention. This convention allowed me to know a bit more of their private life and the way they think and solve problems".

"This week was really exciting and exhausting. We were getting know each other playing and sharing culture and traditions. It was exhausting because it took many hours each day. At the end of the week professors introduced us to the topic informally. At weekend we went to Campus Party in Punta del Este, that is a technological event, it was awesome".

"The first week was as intense as it was exciting. Through different games and activities, we begin to get to know each other and focus on finding skills that helped us to achieve a good teamwork.

At the end of the week we made our first trip together, the destination was Punta del Este, one of the most beautiful and recognized cities of our country. We join very interesting and motivating talks about innovation, design and technology in the 'Campus Party' event.

Despite spending a lot of time at the event, we made ourselves a space to go around the city, enjoy good music and food. It was a great weekend!".

"In the first week we met with our class matters, we went to a differents parties where we met more personally and we told each other our own stories (not really but true) and then we went to campus party event where we went to Punta del Este and we visited differents bars and pubs. In this place we listened to innovation talks from people who lives in differents countries and they told us how they innovate in their own projects!. Also we did very interesting workshops".

"This week, the first one, was the opportunity to break the ice and get to know us. Through games, interactive activities, working in small groups and alone, we achieve the most important before starting with the project: knowing our strengths and weaknesses in a group and multicultural environment".

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