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Álvaro Briano

My name is Alvaro Briano. I was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. Nowadays I live in Santa Lucia, Canelones. I am an electric engineering student at Universidad de la República. I have been physics teacher for 3 years at secondary school.

Week 2

At first we were introduced formally to the topic and professors team. We knew who were our teammates. We had to interview people at the end of that week, to introduce us the real problems children may have. We went to a school and we interviewed some parents and their children. In my case, it was the first experience of interview people about real problems they may have.

This week was really exciting and exhausting. We were getting know each other playing and sharing culture and traditions. It was exhausting because it took many hours each day. At the end of the week professors introduced us to the topic informally. At weekend we went to Campus Party in Punta del Este, that is a technological event, it was awesome.

Week 1

Week 3

We shared the results of the interviews with the teachers and we started search problems of children. At first it was so difficult and we feel lost, but at the end of the week we feel more confident analyzing the interviews. In my opinion, one of the most important thing was the group work, I feel very comfortable with them.

Week 4

This week was really exciting because at the end we went to Durazno. We have worked in a project called Bricks and Bits. It consisted in rebuild a toy from a child. It was exhausting but we learned a lot. When we had finished we go to a party and we got drunk.

Week 5

We still had thought in the solution. It was very exhausting because when we presented the solution we discovered that our problem was wrong, so we had to focus in rebuild it. But at the end of the week we found a good way to think the solution, even though we felt a bit lost.

Week 6

This week was a un common one, because we were on holidays. Me and some others went to visit Rocha beaches. We stayed in Valizas, but we were moving from one place to another. We visited Cabo Polonio, Punta del Diablo, Santa Teresa. I have already been there before but I love going again. Foreign people love this places too. We had a really good time, and obviously, like in Durazno, we got drunk.

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